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Showing posts from 2013

I'm a Christmas Craver

It's been awhile since my fingers hit the keyboard for a blog post - my apologies! I've been swamped with my 2.5 jobs lately (one is volunteer). But with December first just a couple of days away, I figured it's time for a CHRISTMAS POST! Christmas is my most favourite time of year. I love xmas activities like decorating the tree and drinking candy cane flavoured drinks and getting dolled up for holiday parties. I start getting excited as soon as Halloween is over, but try to suppress my urge to deck the halls until at least late November. That being said, I know some people just can't. So today class, let's discuss the three types of holiday lovers. 1. The Christmas Craver - This is the category I think I fall in. The Christmas Craver can be found dreaming of visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads in early November. However, you won't see a decoration on their tree before December 1st. They're respectful of earlier holidays like Remembrance D

When Halloween REALLY gets scary...

I FREAKIN' LOVE HALLOWEEN. Don't you?! Of course you do. With Halloween being only ONE WEEK away, I feel as though a Halloween post is more than obvious. So, awaaayyyy we goooo! Now, as we all know, this blog is about wasting time, not wine. And let me assure you, NO wine gets wasted when I go out on Halloween. However, I do waste buckets of time preparing for Halloween - it's something lots of people do. And we do it for one night, a night that's not even a holiday! It definitely doesn't make much sense, but I do it every year so whatever. As good as some Halloween costumes are, the real beauty is in the terrible ones. The ones that are almost undistinguishable - "are you a pile of leaves?" "Oh, Poison Ivy, right..." So I took to my friend Mr. Google and found some pretty hilariously bad Halloween costumes that we can all laugh, cringe, and shutter at together. Believe me, you'll never see anything scarier than some of these below...

Twerking Thursday

I can’t twerk, I look like I have ants in my pants whenever I try. So needless to say, this is not a literal title with a how-to video. I’m dedicating this post on this lovely Thursday to one of the people I’ve found myself wasting way too much time on lately – you guessed it, the twerk queen herself, Miley Cyrus. Rolling Stone just released her cover shot and interview and after reading it, my weird infatuation with the little freak simply grew. As a PR person who checks social media 76 times a day, I love nothing more than a watching people react to a good scandal or crisis. When Miley cut her hair and started twerking up on any stationary object she could find, I IMMEDIATELY started following her on Twitter/Instagram. Why, you ask? Because it’s entertaining! After the whole VMA’s thing with Robin Thicke, Miley became the most talked about celeb out there, but she also lost some fans. So let’s look at why, in my humble, unprofessional opinion, this was a good move.

My name is Lindsey and I'm an addict.

My most recent purchase has brought new meaning to the term "waste of time". Since dropping my hard earned bucks on this product, I find myself continuously being late for things, letting my food get cold, and putting off yoga/running (not that I had a hard time doing that before). So what is this time wasting wonder of a product? It's an iPhone. Yes. I do live under a rock. Until just two weeks ago, I was the not so proud owner of a Blackberry. So today, I will describe to you how my life has dramatically changed since chuckin' the berry and picking the apple (haaa). For those of you who have had an iPhone for the last two years, this may sound pathetic to you - it may sound pathetic anyway. But I KNOW, at some point, every new iPhone user felt the way I do now, and does what I currently do. I'm so addicting to the thousands of things I can do on my phone, that I have already downloaded 27 apps. TWENTY SEVEN. Social media apps, games, news and weather apps, m

Real talk.

Today's blog is going to be a little bit different than my usual sarcastic/funny (I think they're kinda funny) posts. It was inspired by a post by Mary Schmidt titled "25 Things I want Myself to Know at 25" . After just turning 25, Schmidt writes down 25 things she thinks are important for herself, a mid-20'er, to know. I'm not going to do the same (because thankfully, I'm not there yet), but I am going to elaborate on some of the points she made which I've found to be more and more important as I get older. So be patient. 1. Schmidt talks about making time for everyone in your life. I've only recently discovered the importance of this. I have a lot of different groups of friends and a pretty big family, so it can be tough to divide up my time between them all. It's become especially difficult since moving away from Cape Breton because on my short visits home, I need/want to make time to see and catch up with everyone! You may need a day pl

I'm a big kid now!

Little PR humour for ya'.. don't handle a crisis like this guy.  In case it's not obvious enough, the above title should be read to the tune of the pull-up commercials. Maybe I haven't mentioned this before, or maybe I have; I just graduated with my second post-secondary "thing". In June I received my advanced diploma in public relations. Adding that bad boy to my somewhat useless Bachelor of Arts, I figured I'd find a job quicker than Lindsay Lohan would relapse (in all honesty, she's doing pretty well - check it out ). Turns out, that's now how it works. I worked my little promo-girl job all summer until that miraculous phone call a couple of days ago. The phone call more or less consisted of a job offer and me getting extremely excited and continuously interrupting my new boss. Followed by me texting everyone I know to tell them I finally convinced someone that I knew what I was talking about. So, now I'm employed. With a big k

Too much fun...

Remember when I said I'd live in Cape Breton and Halifax at the same time if I could? Well, my recent visit home is making it real hard to drive back to the city tomorrow. Here's a look at my week in God's Country (a.k.a Cape Breton, NS). Mira River.  One of the things I was most excited about was getting back on the Mira. Cape Breton is beautiful and one of my favourite ways to enjoy it's beauty is on the water. There's just something about being in the middle of the water on a hot sunny day...a beer doesn't hurt either. pool+beer=love Can you see a theme forming? Not the beer, the water! My parents' deck/pool got a lot of Lindsey time this week. I try sitting next to my bath tub in my Halifax apartment, but it just doesn't have the same effect.  compliments to the chef Wedding festivities!!! I love a good wedding. A wedding reception is the best kind of party because it combines friends, family, love, drinks, and pretty dresses.

Confession Bear.

So I buy 12-grain instead. Like most people my age, I try to eat right and exercise. But truth is, I'd much rather sit on my butt in front of the TV and watch a full season of Shameless while eating french fries and mac&cheese. Together. Of course, I can't do that because 1. I can't afford to replace my entire wardrobe with bigger sizes. and 2. I don't want to be judged by all of the healthy hipsters in the check-out line at the grocery store. So that's what today's blog is about. All of the time and energy I waste on trying to live a healthy lifestyle even though I reallyyyyyyyy don't want to. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy the poorly executed yoga I partake in, and I do love fruits and veggies. But haven't you ever wanted a simple grilled cheese? Like the kind you ate when you were a kid? I'm talking completely taboo all-white bread (cue gasp) and a Kraft single! Delicious. I know healthy eating is a great thing, but in my opin

Handshakes are too formal...

me and my munchkins - nieces & nephew, not kids. yikes. Although I think I have a pretty good handshake, I always hated how awkward and formal shaking the hand of someone you just met is. I prefer to have an informal meeting over coffee or a glass of red. But since we can't get to know each other over a glass of wine, we'll have to make do with the internet machine's method. My names Lindsey Elizabeth, or just Lindsey, Linds, or Smurf (a classmate declared that my nickname due to my lack of height). I was born and raised on a lovely little island known as Cape Breton and currently live in the little-big city of Halifax. I love both of these places more than any other place I've ever been. Cape Breton has enough scenic beauty to overload Instagram and the kindest, friendliest people you'll ever meet. My new location,  Halifax , is ideal for the 20 something's like myself. It's filled with music and nightlife, tons of delicious local eateries and


Wine. A beverage enjoyed in many places and by many people. It can be enjoyed with friends at dinner, as a way to unwind after work, as a technique to get the creative juices flowing, or all of the above and then some (like in my case). Whatever the reason for the glass of fermented grapes in your hand, wine is a beverage most enjoyed while wasting time. Heck, wine itself is a form of wasting time, taking months and years to brew. It's probably the most delicious waste of time there is... For me, the time I tend to enjoy most in life is the time I'm "wasting". What I mean by "wasting" is this: I could easily be doing something else with my time, something more productive (like laundry). But instead, I decide to browse Pinterest , or try a new quinoa recipe , or drink a bottle of wine, or...BLOG! And thus, Waste time...Not wine, was born. To be clear, although I like to indulge in the art of wasting time, wine is one thing I never waste. Anyway, this b