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Real talk.

Today's blog is going to be a little bit different than my usual sarcastic/funny (I think they're kinda funny) posts. It was inspired by a post by Mary Schmidt titled "25 Things I want Myself to Know at 25".

After just turning 25, Schmidt writes down 25 things she thinks are important for herself, a mid-20'er, to know. I'm not going to do the same (because thankfully, I'm not there yet), but I am going to elaborate on some of the points she made which I've found to be more and more important as I get older. So be patient.

1. Schmidt talks about making time for everyone in your life. I've only recently discovered the importance of this. I have a lot of different groups of friends and a pretty big family, so it can be tough to divide up my time between them all. It's become especially difficult since moving away from Cape Breton because on my short visits home, I need/want to make time to see and catch up with everyone! You may need a day planner and a vacation from your vacation, but trust me, it's worth it. People need to know that they're important to you, so make time to show them. I only see my best friend every once in awhile, but she knows she'll always be my best friend because we make the time in our busy lives to hang out.
Oh, and also, don't be too cool to hang out with your parents. They're awesome and they're your biggest fans. So do it.

2. Drink more responsibly. Thank you Schmidt for the wake-up call. I'm a relatively responsible drinker (I haven't had any embarrassing mishaps or forgotten nights in a long, long time). But I know lots of people who have, so I think this is good advice. As you get older, it becomes much less cool and way more worrisome to shoot multiple shots of straight vodka at the pre-party. I look at being a good mid-20'd drinker as being able to enjoy good drinks. You're not 18 and 19 drinking whatever you can get your hands on. It's not your first rodeo, you know a thing or two about the alcoholic beverage world. So revel in how great you look holding a glass of Merlot or how sophisticated you sound ordering a G&T. If vodka lime is still your drink of choice, that's cool, own it, but don't drown yourself in it nightly.

3. Be you. Duh, right?! I envy my best friend because she's so confident and sure of who she is. I'm almost there, I think, but not quite. It takes a while to figure out who you is (so I've been told) but let yourself figure it out. Own your style. I KNOW I have this down pat. I know my style and I don't care if it's nothing like Kate Middleton's. Know what you want, and do it. If you want to stay inside on the hottest day of the summer and read tabloids, DO IT. I'll make fun of you, but do it anyway. Just be who you want to be and not who you think you should be.

There's 22 other great pieces of advice in the article, so read it (click here)! Let me know what advice you'd like to know from an older, wiser you.

Disclaimer: don't read this blog and think I'm a know-it-all. I know nothing. The above are just a few things that jumped out to me as very true and very important. So. WOO.

Wine at the time: Martin Codax Albarino (clean white blend - great to have with a light summer dinner)


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