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My name is Lindsey and I'm an addict.

My most recent purchase has brought new meaning to the term "waste of time". Since dropping my hard earned bucks on this product, I find myself continuously being late for things, letting my food get cold, and putting off yoga/running (not that I had a hard time doing that before). So what is this time wasting wonder of a product? It's an iPhone.

Yes. I do live under a rock. Until just two weeks ago, I was the not so proud owner of a Blackberry. So today, I will describe to you how my life has dramatically changed since chuckin' the berry and picking the apple (haaa).

For those of you who have had an iPhone for the last two years, this may sound pathetic to you - it may sound pathetic anyway. But I KNOW, at some point, every new iPhone user felt the way I do now, and does what I currently do. I'm so addicting to the thousands of things I can do on my phone, that I have already downloaded 27 apps. TWENTY SEVEN. Social media apps, games, news and weather apps, music apps, and the list goes on. That wouldn't be a huge deal if I just downloaded them and that was it. But that's where the time wasting comes in. I use probably 23 of these apps EVERY DAY, multiple times a day. When I wake up in the morning, I check Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat and the Vine. Five social media platforms before I even get out of bed! I'll then spend several minutes "waiting for the shower to get warm" scrolling through my two news apps. I also play 3-4 different games multiple times a day. It's bad.

I was never on my Blackberry as much as I'm on this iPhone. Just like Jenna Marbles says in her video about appss, I'm like an addict. I get a game of Subway Surfer (a game my 3 year old nephew plays...) in whenever I can and I'll look at the same posts on Instagram multiple times a day. I'm hoping once the new phone thing wears off, I'll be able to put it down for some length of time and stop wasting so much gosh darn time.

Have you experienced this kind of obsession when you go a new phone?

P.S. I took a break writing this to play a game and check my email. UGH.

Wine at the time: Goats do Roam Rose (just because it's not technically summer doesn't mean we can't drink rose!)


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