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Showing posts from 2014

I Quit.

I've decided to make a big move. A big career move. One that I'm almost 100% positive will prove to be extremely beneficial to me. In order to make that move though, in order to move on to my exciting, new, better paying job, I had to quit my current job (one that I don't entirely hate). Now, I've never quit a job that wasn't a part-time gig that I used to fill a resume/for drinking money while in university or high school. Hell, I'm 24, I haven't had many real-people jobs yet. So needless to say, I was freakin' terrified. I finally did it though, and it was only about 86% as terrifying as I expected. So I've compiled a handy little list to help others out there get through this daunting task. Step 1: Nail down the facts - know when you'd like your last day at work to be and when your first day at your new job will be before you resign. You only want to have to have this conversation once, so you probably want to avoid a lot of I don&#

Kids Are Weird

I recently headed home to visit family and part of that family includes 2 nieces and a nephew. The girls are almost 10 and 8, the boy is 4. They're insanely cute and hilarious - sometimes they're even polite. But holy hell they can be weird. I know for the most part it's just their imaginations and lack of filter that makes them seem weird to me. Like when my nephew insisted on wearing Spiderman pajamas any time he left the house for like, a week and a half, all because he felt the coolest in those clothes. Watching my oldest niece tape pencils to a paper plate while my nehpew watched E.T. through the spaces in his fingers (E.T. can be creepy, I get it) and the middle kid repeatedly washed the same cup in the sink, I got to thinking. I was probably pretty weird too... So here are some of the weird things I either remember, or was informed I did at a painful family dinner. 1. Telling weird lies I've come to realize that kids lie. About really weird things. I wa

Halifax Pop Explosion '14

It's one of my favourite times of year right now - FALL! Yes, I am that basic. I love Fall in Halifax for so many reasons, including but not limited to: Sidewalks being covered in crunchy leaves Nocturne Art Festival City Harvest Fest Getting to break out your over-sized cozy sweaters and not worry about sucking in your belly But my favourite thing about the Fall in Halifax? Halifax Pop Explosion (HPX)! Every year I'm amazed by the talent that our little big city manages to swindle into performing on our various stages. Every year I discover new bands who quickly make their way into my regular rotations. This year has been no different. A couple highlights from the week include: Live105 Kick-Off Party: I was lucky enough to land myself and a few friends on the guest list for the radio station's kick-off party featuring Mo Kenney, Glory Glory, Coyote and Rich Aucoin. A Live Hive is a pretty special experience - it's super intimate and you often get to chat

7 Signs Our Beloved Summer Season is Ending...

As a Maritimer, I hate this time of year - admitting to yourself that the summer is over and it'll be crunchy leaves and lattes in no time. It's not that I don't love strolling through the red and orange leaf littered sidewalks of Halifax with knee high boots on my feet and a skinny vanilla latte in my hand, but it's never easy to let go of the patio drinks, beach days and bon fires. As a Haligonian, there's a few signs that prove Fall is kicking off and Summer is dwindling: 1. Froshlings - Halifax, like many Maritime cities, is student central. With two major universities and multiple colleges, the end of August brings not only shorter days but a TON of 18/19 year olds. The city is just littered with fresh faced kids in DAL sweaters and backpacks. 2. Bar Scene Take Over - One real sign that the summer is ending is the disappearance of working professionals and the appearance of questionably legal freshmen at your favourite bars and pubs. Be careful who you h

Suck it up, buttercup.

Long time no type, blogger-verse. It's been a while since I laid my fingers on the keyboard to talk about something other than beauty products or marketing. My excuse for my hiatus: my life has been a freaking whirlwind of changes over the last couple of months. Which is very out of character for a blog with the words "waste time" in it. Change is a weird thing, it almost always brings with it some form of excitement but also some form of stress. Whether it's moving to a new place, starting a new job or ending a relationship - or all of the above, all at the same time - all changes come with ups and downs, and sometimes it can be really difficult to find your footing again. I started a new job (one very, very  different from my old job) in March, had a very serious and very long term relationship come to an end in April, and will be moving to a new apartment with a new roommate this month. See, I wasn't kidding about the whirlwind of changes thing. During all

#nofilter #selfie #AnotherInternetTrend

What better topic for a blog that has consistently discussed some of the major wastes of time in today's world than the virtual highway. Cyberspace. The World Wide Web. The average person spends 23 hours per week online. That includes everything from creeping your ex on Facebook to researching a topic you should already be familiar with in order to do your job. It's SO easy to get lost in the abundance of tabs and information and even easier to get caught up in the many internet fads and campaigns floating around. If you've never taken part in one of those social media trends (ex. neknomination?) or hopped on an internet bandwagon (here's looking at you Kony 2012) then you better head to your local church for confessional, because you are a liar. Everyone's found themselves wrapped up in the "internet community" at some point or another, nothing to be embarrassed about folks. So that's why I want to take a look at one of the more recent trends fl

Real Talk Part II

Had to say goodbye to this old girl a couple of days ago. She was the sweetest. matter how many articles of clothing she ate on me. Keeping with the theme of New Year's Resolutions, but straying from my usual theme of sarcastic and hilarious (to myself only probably), let's get real. With a recent influx of unfortunate news coming my way and from my hometown, something dawned on me. Resolution's are usually about ourselves. Although there's nothing wrong with that, improving yourself is always a great thing, why not direct some of that motivation towards others. Whether that means making the resolution to visit your grandma more, to donate to the less fortunate or promising to call your mom every Sunday. We all seem to get so caught up in our lives and our routines, and forget that sometimes it's totally fine to just waste time, especially with the people we care about . We don't need to be constantly moving or thinking or doing. As important as

Happy New Year!!!'s January. So obviously I'm jumping on the resolution train! But in a different way than I have before. I mean, I've been trying to live a healthy lifestyle for awhile. I was vegetarian for three years (moving in with a carnivore boyfriend makes it tough to stick to that promise though, sorry cows). But I've also taken up pole fitness (do not judge) and hot yoga. And let me tell you, I fell in love with both! Finally, something I enjoy that isn't a big ol' waste of time! Resolutions are funny things though, don't you think? I get that it's a new year, a fresh start, yas a yada yada. That's all great. The problem comes when we make these crazy lists of things we think we HAVE to accomplish. Also, setting the resolution to lose a ton of weight in the winter when there's chocolate and comfort food and it's freezing outside? Just not feasible. Or promising yourself to reconnect with your 3rd grade bestie who now lives on the other side