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Suck it up, buttercup.

Long time no type, blogger-verse. It's been a while since I laid my fingers on the keyboard to talk about something other than beauty products or marketing. My excuse for my hiatus: my life has been a freaking whirlwind of changes over the last couple of months. Which is very out of character for a blog with the words "waste time" in it.

Change is a weird thing, it almost always brings with it some form of excitement but also some form of stress. Whether it's moving to a new place, starting a new job or ending a relationship - or all of the above, all at the same time - all changes come with ups and downs, and sometimes it can be really difficult to find your footing again.

I started a new job (one very, very different from my old job) in March, had a very serious and very long term relationship come to an end in April, and will be moving to a new apartment with a new roommate this month. See, I wasn't kidding about the whirlwind of changes thing. During all of these life-altering occurrences (they really do feel that way at the time!), a couple of things kept me sane. So I thought I'd share them in case any of my lovely, beautiful friends may be going through similar experiences.

For the most part, my friends and family were the reason I didn't hibernate for weeks and/or pull my hair out when I was struggling to meet deadlines at work, apartment hunting and coming to terms with the "single life" again. So most of the knowledge I'm about to entrust with you folks comes from them.

Change is opportunity! Whether it was a planned change, like a move to a new city. Or a sudden one, like being laid off from a job. You have to find the opportunity in the change. Do your own thing, figure out who you are (I know, so philosophical), start fresh! Maybe your new city will be filled with all of the things you couldn't do in your old one. Maybe you can use all your spare time to find a new, better, DREAM job!

Don't blame anyone. Often times when change comes disguised as crisis, we need someone to blame. Although it's fine to spend a couple of days playing the blame game when you and your boyfriend break up, it's not going to get you anywhere other than deeper into that bucket of fro-yo. Placing the blame and thinking "what if" will only make you dwell on things. Realize that things just happen. That's life.

Take your time! It can be easy to let a big change in your life get the best of you. I see people who get out of 10+ year relationships and jump right into a new one because they're "over it". I've also seen people drop everything in their lives to follow a new, uncertain path that life has presented them. Just like my mom tells me when I open a bottle of wine - Take. Your. Time. Life isn't a race. Don't put all your eggs in one basket and run flailing your arms like crazy. A big change in your life is going to take time to adjust to.

Be open. Vague, I know. But when I thought my life was upside down, one thing that helped me feel better was to open up. I dished all my feelings and fears and excitements to my friends and family - probably annoying the hell out of them. I also finally opened up to the new life that had been handed to me due to all of the changes I went through. I'm slowly starting to embrace the people and things in my life that I may not have before I got on the emotional roller-coaster. far so good.

So, obviously, I'm no therapist. I'm also only 24 so I'm not very "wise" either. But from my experience, doing the above things when dealing with something huge (good or bad) make transitions a hell of a lot easier.

Also, drink wine. It'll help.

Wine at the time: Cheateau St. Michelle Reisling (yes. I'm big into Rieslings. This one is a little sweeter, so it works great with something spicy!) 


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