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Kids Are Weird

I recently headed home to visit family and part of that family includes 2 nieces and a nephew. The girls are almost 10 and 8, the boy is 4. They're insanely cute and hilarious - sometimes they're even polite. But holy hell they can be weird.

I know for the most part it's just their imaginations and lack of filter that makes them seem weird to me. Like when my nephew insisted on wearing Spiderman pajamas any time he left the house for like, a week and a half, all because he felt the coolest in those clothes.

Watching my oldest niece tape pencils to a paper plate while my nehpew watched E.T. through the spaces in his fingers (E.T. can be creepy, I get it) and the middle kid repeatedly washed the same cup in the sink, I got to thinking. I was probably pretty weird too...

So here are some of the weird things I either remember, or was informed I did at a painful family dinner.

1. Telling weird lies

I've come to realize that kids lie. About really weird things. I was no exception...

The biggest/most ridiculous lie I remember telling as a child was that I couldn't see the board at school. It took a lot of lying to get my parents to believe this one as I was a goody-two-shoes in school and always copied down EVERYTHING from the board perfectly (must've involved a lot of squinting for my poor eyes).

I made it to the optometrist office though, where I poorly faked not being able to see the shapes and letters in front of me. Alas, I didn't need glasses, just needed to sit closer to the board (talk about a backfired plan).

I'll never be able to explain why I hated my perfect vision and wanted glasses, but I did.

2. Making toys bungee-jump

Yeah...I know.

This wasn't just a one time stroke of genius in which my Barbie was on the show Survivor and had to do some terrifying stunt like bungee-jump. I did it ALL the time with ALL my toys. I'd tie them up with my dog's leash, tie the other end to the stair railing at my uncles, and toss them over. Sometimes they'd come undone and fall to their death. Sometimes they'd live to bungee-jump another day.

3. Chew my hair

This isn't only weird, it's gross. But that didn't stop 5 year old Lindsey.

4. The X ring

Maybe this isn't super weird, because my brother and I both thought this way growing up. We thought that people who had a grad ring from X were divorced. Like the big X on their finger was to let everyone know that they got divorced. Hilarious.

What crazy things did you do/think when you were a kid?


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