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Halifax Pop Explosion '14

It's one of my favourite times of year right now - FALL! Yes, I am that basic.
I love Fall in Halifax for so many reasons, including but not limited to:
Sidewalks being covered in crunchy leaves
Nocturne Art Festival
City Harvest Fest
Getting to break out your over-sized cozy sweaters and not worry about sucking in your belly

But my favourite thing about the Fall in Halifax? Halifax Pop Explosion (HPX)! Every year I'm amazed by the talent that our little big city manages to swindle into performing on our various stages. Every year I discover new bands who quickly make their way into my regular rotations.
This year has been no different.

A couple highlights from the week include:

Live105 Kick-Off Party:
I was lucky enough to land myself and a few friends on the guest list for the radio station's kick-off party featuring Mo Kenney, Glory Glory, Coyote and Rich Aucoin. A Live Hive is a pretty special experience - it's super intimate and you often get to chat with the artists a little bit. Also...there's beer.

Mo Kenney kicked off my HPX with an acoustic set playing a couple of tunes from her new album In My Dreams. This is the kind of girl that can make anyone melt. She oozes charm and innocence; and makes you fully believe that every song she sings was written for or about you. She was god dam adorable. I also got to check out Mo with her entire band later on that evening at the Carleton and holy f$*k can that girl shred! Closing with a bluesy version of a David Bowie tune, Mo weaved in and out of the sardine-can-crowd at the bar.

After answering a couple of quick questions from one of Live 105's announcers, it was Coyote's turn. This PEI grown band is known for turning emotional lyrics into exuberant pop-rock performances. These guys killed it. The keyboard's notes soar above the other instruments and don't get lost in the background and at one point the lead singer (a Ginger from PEI - fitting, right?) grabs the drummer's floor tom drum and just lets loose.

Next up - Glory Glory. Synth-pop may not be for everyone, but these guys do it well. It doesn't hurt that the entire band is adorably handsome and dripping with emotion when they play. Your ears and eyes will be certain that these dudes absolutely love what they do.

The last but definitely not least to perform at the Live Hive was Rich Aucoin. I've been to half a dozen Rich Aucoin shows and never have I left without goosebumps and dripping in sweat. I was curious how Rich would handle the small, intimate setting of a live hive but I was definitely not disappointed. With the lights out, Rich broke out a single light bulb and his infamous parachute and made every single person in that room feel like a rockstar. A Rich Aucoin show has this weird way of making you feel important. As if he chose YOU to be part of something so insanely unique and thrilling. I think everyone left the Live Hive singing his fun, simple lyrics that night.

Vogue Dots @ The New Reflections:
HPX always opens my mind to new bands and new sounds and I'm so glad that this year Vogue Dots was one of them. Playing at the new Reflections, they brought in a pretty good crowd. The lead singer reminds me a little bit of Regine from Arcade Fire - she kind of just floats around the stage and entrances everyone in her flowerchild, fluent dancing. The tunes are so fun. It's very electronic based with a pretty badass chick on the base.

Against Me! @ The Olympic Hall:
My favourite venue in Halifax!!! It's big enough to hold a ton of music goers but not so big that it looks empty. It also has a super cool balcony that gives you a neat view of the stage. I've been to a ton of shows here and they never disappoint - Against Me! was no different. This crew rocks HARD. I'm talking crowd surfing while still singing hard. Everyone, without a doubt, left that show super sweaty and without much of a voice - and it was totally worth it.

Wine at the time - Whiskey. Sorry wine.


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