As a Maritimer, I hate this time of year - admitting to yourself that the summer is over and it'll be crunchy leaves and lattes in no time. It's not that I don't love strolling through the red and orange leaf littered sidewalks of Halifax with knee high boots on my feet and a skinny vanilla latte in my hand, but it's never easy to let go of the patio drinks, beach days and bon fires.
As a Haligonian, there's a few signs that prove Fall is kicking off and Summer is dwindling:
1. Froshlings - Halifax, like many Maritime cities, is student central. With two major universities and multiple colleges, the end of August brings not only shorter days but a TON of 18/19 year olds. The city is just littered with fresh faced kids in DAL sweaters and backpacks.
2. Bar Scene Take Over - One real sign that the summer is ending is the disappearance of working professionals and the appearance of questionably legal freshmen at your favourite bars and pubs. Be careful who you hit on 20-somethings, bouncers and doormen shouldn't be the only ones checking ID in the fall.
3. The PSL - UGH the PSL. Starbucks' biggest cashgrab and the official drink of the white girl. Pumpkin Spice Lattes - for whatever reason - are HUGE. And the trend has officially begun.
4. Weird in-between Fashion - The weather in Nova Scotia is tough enough to figure out on any given day. But the weird limbo stage between summer and when fall really hits makes getting dressed in the morning especially challenging. It's too warm for boots and sweaters but too cold for dresses and sandals. And some people, god bless them, just can't find a happy medium. This is when you'll see the lovely "skirt and uggboot" combo or the girl walking down the sunny sidewalk absolutely sweating in her scarf and cardigan. We've all been there.
5. Wal-Mart/Target are No-Go Zones - Walk in and walk right back out, guys. You don't want to be there. These stores are filled with students cramming their carts with fuzzy mats and pillows for their dorm rooms, and elementary school kids begging their moms for the over-priced Frozen back pack. Throw in a couple screaming 5 year olds, and a few dozen stressed out parents and you literally have the worst place in the world.
6. Patio Deconstruction - It pains me just to utter those words. In a city such as Halifax, Summer is often referred to as Patio Season. There's nothing better than a beer on a patio after a tough day at work. Which is why seeing tables and chairs disappear from the sidewalk is just heart breaking. What are we supposed to do now?
7. Lack of Tourists - Have you noticed it's been a while since you've seen a sweater tied around someone's waist or a map in someone's hand? That's because the tourist season is ending. Throughout the Summer, Halifax (and NS in general) is FILLED with sight seers from all over the place. Come mid-September though, the city is mostly locals and it's kind of sad. Although most people probably won't miss giving directions to the Westin or Citadel Hill...
Wine at the time: Nova 7 (because summer. and nova scotia. fancy)
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