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The 6 Stages of a Snow Day Everyone Experiences

The east coast has been continuously screwed by Mother Nature this winter. At first, we thought maybe she was going to go easy on us. We hardly experienced a sprinkle of snow from November-mid February. But then...she unleashed.

Halifax has been hit with over 60cm of snow just in the last two days and the city is not handling it well. Also, we don't even know if Cape Breton is still there. We can't find it. It's buried under too much snow.

If you live in Nova Scotia (or any of the other Maritime provinces, really) you know what it's like to be stuck inside for nearly 48 hours. You've probably also experienced these stages of going snow storm silly.

Stage 1: Excitement
At first, you're really excited to have the day off of work and to be able to lounge in your PJ's until 4pm. The idea of sitting on your couch and binge watching House of Cards or Orange is the New Black (for the second time) on Netflix sounds glorious. And it will be glorious, for a few hours.
Stage 2: Eat all the snacks
Snow days are a lot like Sundays - you don't really have any type of schedule or structure to your day. You have nowhere to be, nothing really you need to do and you're probably a little bored. So you eat. Everything. All the snacks. To the point where you probably have no snacks left (nothing easily prepared, anyway) and you get kind of sad. And bloated...
Stage 3: Work Anxiety
Whether you're able to work from home or not, you're never as productive during a snow day as you would be at the office, so you start to get stressed. Did I remember to send that report off? Can I access the report from my laptop? What's my email password again? Do you think people have been trying to reach me? Work anxiety will kick in, probably around 1pm, and will drive you nuts until 5:00.
Stage 4: Denial
It's 3:30 pm. It's still snowing. You can no longer see your car in your driveway and the snow banks are starting to cover your bedroom windows. All you want is to have the option of going outside. But you can't because nothing's open and the sidewalks are non-existent. You're trapped. Snowpocolypse style.

Stage 5: Shack-Wacky
You've watched every rom-com on Netflix and eaten every crumb of food in your house. You haven't seen a snowplow yet so you know you're not getting outside anytime soon. You start to get irritable and giddy. Maybe you start taking "hilarious" snapchats of your roommate (no one other than you finds them hilarious). Maybe you download four different versions of candy crush and play that for 5 hours.

Stage 6: Anger

Don't worry guys, Spring is coming....eventually....

Wine at the time: Casillero del Diablo Carmenère 2012


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