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Showing posts from March, 2015

The 6 Stages of a Snow Day Everyone Experiences

The east coast has been continuously screwed by Mother Nature this winter. At first, we thought maybe she was going to go easy on us. We hardly experienced a sprinkle of snow from November-mid February. But then...she unleashed. Halifax has been hit with over 60cm of snow just in the last two days and the city is not handling it well. Also, we don't even know if Cape Breton is still there. We can't find it. It's buried under too much snow. If you live in Nova Scotia (or any of the other Maritime provinces, really) you know what it's like to be stuck inside for nearly 48 hours. You've probably also experienced these stages of going snow storm silly. Stage 1: Excitement At first, you're really excited to have the day off of work and to be able to lounge in your PJ's until 4pm. The idea of sitting on your couch and binge watching House of Cards or Orange is the New Black (for the second time) on Netflix sounds glorious. And it will be glorious, for a few

A Basic Bitch's Guide to St. Patrick's Day

Basic Bitch - a  slang  term in  American popular culture  used to pejoratively describe people who like popular, mainstream products or music. According to Wikipedia.  I pride myself on not being incredibly basic. But I mean c'mon, we're all a little bit basic sometimes - like pass me a Skinny Vanilla Latte from Starbucks and let me jam to Beyonce - amiright?!  There's one day a year though that almost everyone lets their basic bitch flag fly and that day is almost upon us folks. It's nearly St. Patrick's day me friends! *say that with an Irish accent, ok?* In case you're not always basic and you're having trouble figuring out just how to handle this drunken celebration, I'm here to help. A Basic Bitch's Guide to St. Patrick's Day: 1. Buy the graphic Tee that every other girl between the ages of 19-28 will be wearing No one will know that you're celebrating St. Pats unless you have a shirt that says so. See below for information