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Showing posts from August, 2013

Real talk.

Today's blog is going to be a little bit different than my usual sarcastic/funny (I think they're kinda funny) posts. It was inspired by a post by Mary Schmidt titled "25 Things I want Myself to Know at 25" . After just turning 25, Schmidt writes down 25 things she thinks are important for herself, a mid-20'er, to know. I'm not going to do the same (because thankfully, I'm not there yet), but I am going to elaborate on some of the points she made which I've found to be more and more important as I get older. So be patient. 1. Schmidt talks about making time for everyone in your life. I've only recently discovered the importance of this. I have a lot of different groups of friends and a pretty big family, so it can be tough to divide up my time between them all. It's become especially difficult since moving away from Cape Breton because on my short visits home, I need/want to make time to see and catch up with everyone! You may need a day pl

I'm a big kid now!

Little PR humour for ya'.. don't handle a crisis like this guy.  In case it's not obvious enough, the above title should be read to the tune of the pull-up commercials. Maybe I haven't mentioned this before, or maybe I have; I just graduated with my second post-secondary "thing". In June I received my advanced diploma in public relations. Adding that bad boy to my somewhat useless Bachelor of Arts, I figured I'd find a job quicker than Lindsay Lohan would relapse (in all honesty, she's doing pretty well - check it out ). Turns out, that's now how it works. I worked my little promo-girl job all summer until that miraculous phone call a couple of days ago. The phone call more or less consisted of a job offer and me getting extremely excited and continuously interrupting my new boss. Followed by me texting everyone I know to tell them I finally convinced someone that I knew what I was talking about. So, now I'm employed. With a big k

Too much fun...

Remember when I said I'd live in Cape Breton and Halifax at the same time if I could? Well, my recent visit home is making it real hard to drive back to the city tomorrow. Here's a look at my week in God's Country (a.k.a Cape Breton, NS). Mira River.  One of the things I was most excited about was getting back on the Mira. Cape Breton is beautiful and one of my favourite ways to enjoy it's beauty is on the water. There's just something about being in the middle of the water on a hot sunny day...a beer doesn't hurt either. pool+beer=love Can you see a theme forming? Not the beer, the water! My parents' deck/pool got a lot of Lindsey time this week. I try sitting next to my bath tub in my Halifax apartment, but it just doesn't have the same effect.  compliments to the chef Wedding festivities!!! I love a good wedding. A wedding reception is the best kind of party because it combines friends, family, love, drinks, and pretty dresses.