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Showing posts from December, 2014

I Quit.

I've decided to make a big move. A big career move. One that I'm almost 100% positive will prove to be extremely beneficial to me. In order to make that move though, in order to move on to my exciting, new, better paying job, I had to quit my current job (one that I don't entirely hate). Now, I've never quit a job that wasn't a part-time gig that I used to fill a resume/for drinking money while in university or high school. Hell, I'm 24, I haven't had many real-people jobs yet. So needless to say, I was freakin' terrified. I finally did it though, and it was only about 86% as terrifying as I expected. So I've compiled a handy little list to help others out there get through this daunting task. Step 1: Nail down the facts - know when you'd like your last day at work to be and when your first day at your new job will be before you resign. You only want to have to have this conversation once, so you probably want to avoid a lot of I don&#