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Showing posts from January, 2014

Real Talk Part II

Had to say goodbye to this old girl a couple of days ago. She was the sweetest. matter how many articles of clothing she ate on me. Keeping with the theme of New Year's Resolutions, but straying from my usual theme of sarcastic and hilarious (to myself only probably), let's get real. With a recent influx of unfortunate news coming my way and from my hometown, something dawned on me. Resolution's are usually about ourselves. Although there's nothing wrong with that, improving yourself is always a great thing, why not direct some of that motivation towards others. Whether that means making the resolution to visit your grandma more, to donate to the less fortunate or promising to call your mom every Sunday. We all seem to get so caught up in our lives and our routines, and forget that sometimes it's totally fine to just waste time, especially with the people we care about . We don't need to be constantly moving or thinking or doing. As important as

Happy New Year!!!'s January. So obviously I'm jumping on the resolution train! But in a different way than I have before. I mean, I've been trying to live a healthy lifestyle for awhile. I was vegetarian for three years (moving in with a carnivore boyfriend makes it tough to stick to that promise though, sorry cows). But I've also taken up pole fitness (do not judge) and hot yoga. And let me tell you, I fell in love with both! Finally, something I enjoy that isn't a big ol' waste of time! Resolutions are funny things though, don't you think? I get that it's a new year, a fresh start, yas a yada yada. That's all great. The problem comes when we make these crazy lists of things we think we HAVE to accomplish. Also, setting the resolution to lose a ton of weight in the winter when there's chocolate and comfort food and it's freezing outside? Just not feasible. Or promising yourself to reconnect with your 3rd grade bestie who now lives on the other side